Log on to the wedding ceremony

The groom’s dad is Greek, his mum is from Scotland. And even though he has a British passport, Alex was brought up in Libya. This summer, Alex married his Bratislava-born girlfriend Andrea. It was a very traditional catholic ceremony. There were mass, Slovak dances and traditional dishes, but also a webcam connecting Slovakia and Libya.


Due to some bureaucratic troubles, Alex’s dad couldn’t travel to Slovakia for his eldest son’s big day but that didn’t mean he couldn’t ‘attend’ the happiest event of his son’s life.


Alex’s brother set up a webcam and a laptop in the church and the reception venue so their father and some friends from Libya wouldn’t miss the event.


There were speeches, loads of eating and dancing†¦ and even though the connection wasn’t great and he couldn’t taste the delicious Slovak delicacies, Alex’s dad definitely had a great time, up to the early hours.


Either ‘homemade’ or organized by professionals, live Internet weddings are the next big thing, a great option when work, business or health issues don’t allow people to travel.


And even when they can†¦ some people are reducing their guests’ lists by sending an invitation to log on to their wedding day and watch. That means, they can still have an intimate ceremony without offending anybody. It’s also less costly for the couple and for the guests.


Webcasting a ceremony through a specialized company could cost between €300 and €700, and some services offer up to a month of archived access.


Cyberweddings are accessible, cheap and safe. Some companies would require guests to enter a code to view the ceremony, to avoid wedding crashers.


Even though they have been around for a while, Internet weddings are now on the rise, especially in America, since it allows couples to include as many friends and relatives as possible, no matter where they are, from anywhere in the world. Marvin Gaye was right, ‘ain’t no mountain high enough.