Irish Hospice Foundation Wedding Favours
Irish Hospice Foundation Wedding Favours, 32 Nassau Street, Dublin 2.
Phone: 01-6793188

When you make a donation to the Irish Hospice Foundation in lieu of giving wedding favours to your guests, you will be supplied with small cards that fold, tent-style, to sit elegantly on the tables at your wedding reception.
Each card contains a miniature pack of sunflower seeds which your family and friends can take home and plant as a souvenir of your special day. The sunflower is the emblem for hospice and features in our logo, which also appears on the card. The cards are inscribed: The bride and groom have made a donation to the Irish Hospice Foundation in lieu of wedding favours.
As an alternative to sunflower seeds, we can also provide sunflower lapel pins.
To arrange your wedding favours, please print out and complete our Wedding Favours Order Form 2011, or you can just write or email us with your name, address, tel. no., credit card details and the number of cards you will need.
Orders and/or enquiries to:
Mary Tupper, Fundraising Department, The Irish Hospice Foundation, Morrison Chambers, 32 Nassau Street, Dublin 2. Tel, 01-6793188
Email: [email protected]