Aliona Eremina Wedding Photographer
Aliona Eremina Wedding Photographer, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
Mobile: +353 86 3153 076

My name is Aliona. I am from Russia and have been living in Ireland since 2001. I get my greatest inspiration from my fiance Barry and our three young children, all boys.
I completed Diploma in Photography at Griffith College Dublin in 2009.
I mostly shoot weddings since 2011. Wedding photography gives me a great chance to photograph some of the most amazing things: excitement of bride and groom on their wedding day, preparations before the ceremony, emotions of family and friends at the wedding, many beautiful moments as the wedding celebrations continue. I photograph many important details that will remind couples in years to come about all the thought they put in to designing their special day: wedding accessories, flower bouquets, wedding invitations, table settings, wedding cake.
I try to stay a little out of the way of newlyweds and their guests so they feel free to enjoy the day without being followed by a photographer. Most of the photos I take throughout the day are candid natural shots. Formal photographs are also important, and that usually takes between 20 and 40 minutes depending on the amount of group photos that is required. In my experience, newly married couples often want to go to a nice location after the wedding ceremony to have their photographs taken in a beautiful scenery, while allowing their guests enough time to travel to a wedding reception.
I always try to find places with the most beautiful interior and surroundings when taking photos of bride and groom and their wedding party. When indoors or on very bright days outside I use a small flash to complement natural light to create beautiful images.
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